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Create House Bethlehem Holds Citizen’s Advisory Board Meeting

June 23, 2023 12:00 AM
By: DOC Staff

A group of people attend the Create House Bethlehem Citizen's Advisory Board meeting.

On June 7, Create House Bethlehem held its semi-annual Citizen’s Advisory Board meeting. Attendees were provided with brunch, an informative presentation, and participated in an open discussion on the challenges faced in the mental health system. The featured guest speaker for the event was Maggie Murphy, Executive Director of National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)-Lehigh Valley. Murphy provided an overview of what NAMI does and who they provide support to.

NAMI-Lehigh Valley, Bethlehem’s local affiliate, participates in Crisis Intervention Team Training for first responders and partners with other organizations to provide mental health education and advocacy. All programs are free of charge due to county funding as well as public and private donations.

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