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Pittsburgh CCC Staff Help Suicidal Reentrant

December 14, 2020 12:00 AM
By: DOC Staff

PA Coat of Arms

Pittsburgh CCC Counselor Tara Marhefka recognized something was off with one of her reentrants, so she reached out and tried to help.

And in doing so, she may have saved his life.

Bureau of Community Corrections Region 3 Director Morris Richardson shared the following message with BCC leadership thanking Marhefka for going above and beyond and making a world of difference:

Due to your attentiveness and willingness to go the extra mile you were able to recognize some behavioral changes in a reentrant on your assigned caseload. Once you recognized something was different you gained the trust of the reentrant for him to communicate to you that he was suicidal. Because you recognized the behavioral changes and took the time to ask more questions you were able to assist a suicidal reentrant with obtaining the necessary help he needed.  Your awareness and actions may have prevented a tragic outcome.

Therefore I just wanted to take the time to say thank you and let you know your efforts did not go unrecognized.

Marhefka was quick to point out it was a team effort. She said monitors Jason Bentz and Taletha Lee both played a role in getting the reentrant the help he needed.

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