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Reentrant Benefits from Renewed In-Person Meetings

Tags: Parole
August 05, 2021 12:00 AM
By: DOC Staff

PA Coat of Arms

Community Reentry Parole Agents (CRPAs) have been working hard amid COVID-19 restrictions to make sure reentrants remain connected to reentry services and programs to help bolster their success on parole

But sometimes being back in the office is the perfect solution.

Since March 2020, telephone contacts and Zoom calls have been heavily utilized, but recently the CRPAs were given the green light to begin in-person orientations and contacts with reentrants.

In the Williamsport District, CRPA Ramiza has resumed her in-person orientations at the Bureau of Community Corrections facility Transitional Living Center (TLC) and the district office on Thursdays. Word quickly spread that reentry help is only a stop away at the district office. 

One reentrant asked if he could come in for individual help with completing his Carey Guide assignment because he was having difficulty finishing it on his own. The reentrant met with Agent Ramiza to complete his Carey Guide Intervention and together they walked through the assigned tool. Agent Ramiza provided the reentrant a more clear and helpful explanation of the criminogenic need that was being addressed in the Carey Guide, and he completed his assignment successfully.  

At the end of his contact, the reentrant told Agent Ramiza that his living situation was not ideal and asked if she could assist him with looking for a new apartment. Agent Ramiza and the reentrant went to work calling local landlords and property management companies, and ads found on local apartment rental sites to see if there were any vacancies in the reentrant's area and price range.

The reentrant said that for him being able to work with his Agent in person was appreciated and helpful and it made these reentry needs possible to be completed with ease.

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