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Reentrant Released with Canine Companion

April 16, 2021 12:00 AM
By: DOC Staff

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​When a reentrant arrived at Johnstown Community Corrections Center, he didn't come alone:

Irvin brought Fred, a 160-pound, 6-year-old St. Bernard who was trained at SCI Rockview.

Fred was a rescue trained at Rockview after a difficult life with a neglectful, abusive past. While at Rockview, he was trained by Irvin—and over time, Irvin became Fred's "emotional support human."

The gentle giant of a dog developed anxiety when he wasn't near his faithful friend, so when Irvin was released to Johnstown CCC, it was decided the best thing for Fred was to be released with him.

While at Rockview, Fred loved to visit different blocks, especially the ones housing the mentally ill inmates, and his presence made a positive impact with them, along with the general population. Prior to COVID-19, Fred and Irvin also visited kids in the visiting room; Fred even used to dress up for those special visits by wearing one of his many bandanas.

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