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Quehanna Boot Camp Holds First Graduation Since Pre-COVID-19

September 11, 2020 12:00 AM
By: Melissa Billotte

PA Coat of Arms

By Melissa Billotte, Superintendent's Assistant

Usually on a Quehanna Boot Camp graduation day, there is a sense of excitement in the air. Inmate families and guests begin arriving around 12 p.m. in anticipation of the graduation ceremony commencing at 12:30.

There is great fanfare as all the platoons march into the PT Grinder (gymnasium) with the graduating platoon marching in last. The graduating platoon then demonstrates to their families some of the military component they have learned by executing drills and sometimes even performing physical training exercises.

The graduates are called up to a receiving line of executive staff and their unit team where they receive their graduation certificate. As they make their way down the line, they shake hands with all staff while their families are cheering in the background.

Fast forward to COVID-19 and the need for the wearing of masks and no outside visitors: While there is still a sense of excitement in the air, there is no fanfare—only the male graduating platoon marches into the PT Grinder and stands at attention. Gone are the inmate families here for support. Gone is the performing of drills for their families to appreciate their hard work and effort. Everyone is wearing a mask and there is no shaking of hands.

Quehanna Boot Camp Graduation

Due to COVID-19, the male and female graduating platoons had to be separated to not mix cohorts. Consequently, the female graduation was held immediately following the male graduation but was conducted outside their housing unit.

Quehanna Boot Camp Graduation

While the pomp and circumstance was missing from the graduation ceremonies, there was still a sense of pride and accomplishment for having completed the program.

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