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DOC Honors Volunteers of the Year

Tags: DOC
December 11, 2019 12:00 AM
By: DOC Staff

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The Department of Corrections held a banquet to honor each facility's Volunteer of the Year on Dec. 9 at the DOC Training Academy in Elizabethtown.

"For you to spend time with our staff and inmates, it's a big deal," DOC Sec. John Wetzel said to the attendees. "What you do really counts. This is about you and recognizing you and the service you do."

Honorees were joined by family and staff representatives from their facilities to enjoy a lunch provided by the Training Academy's Culinary Academy inmates followed by a ceremony. Statewide Volunteer Coordinator Rev. Ulli Klemm served as the emcee of the event, which included DOC volunteer coordinators reading inmate testimonials on the importance of volunteers.

"Volunteers remind us that someone cares about us," one inmate wrote.

Each Volunteer of the Year was called up to receive their award as Bureau of Treatment Services Director Tracy Smith read their profile. The profiles are now available on the DOC website.

This important event gave the DOC a chance to formally thank and honor volunteers who sacrifice their time to serve inside our facilities.

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