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24/7 Unit: Operations Monitoring Center (PBPP)

A through F

ACP: Address Confidentiality Program

ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act

AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

AKA: Also Known As

AOD: Alcohol and Other Drugs

AOPC: Administrative Office of PA Courts

ARD: Accelerated Rehabilitation Disposition

ASCRA: Assessment, Sanctioning Community and Resource Agents (PBPP)

BAC: Blood Alcohol Content

BCC: Bureau of Community Corrections

BICE: Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement

CAC: Citizen Advisory Committee

CBT: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CC: Concurrent Sentence

CCC: Community Corrections Center

CCF: Community Corrections Facility

CCJ: Contracted County Jail

CHRIA: Criminal History Record Information Act

CON I: Supervisor Conference

CON II: District Director Conference

CPV: Convicted Parole Violator

CS: Consecutive Sentence

DA: District Attorney

D/A: Drug and Alcohol

DD: District Director (PBPP)

DDD: Deputy District Director (PBPP)

DJ: District Justice

DM: District Magistrate

DNA: Deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA is located in the cells and provides an individual’s personal genetic blueprint. DNA encodes genetic information that is the basis of human heredity and forensic identification.

DO: District Office

DOB: Date of Birth

DOC: Department of Corrections

DUI: Driving Under the Influence

DV: Domestic Violence

EBP: Evidence Based Practices

ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival

FAST: Fugitive Apprehension Search Team

FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation

FETC: Firearm Education and Training Commission

G through L

GED: General Equivalency Diploma

HE: Hearing Examiner

ICAOS: Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision

JNet: Justice Network

LEP: Limited English Proficiency

LSI-R: Level of Service Inventory-Revised

M through P

MAX: Maximum (sentence date)

MH: Mental Health

MH/MR: Mental Health/Mental Retardation

MH/SA: Mental Health/ Substance Abuse

MHU: Mental Health Unit

MIN: Minimum (sentence date)

N/A: Not Applicable

NCIC: National Crime Information Center. A nationwide computerized information system established as a service to all local, state, and federal law enforcement/criminal justice agencies

OVA: Office of Victim Advocate

OVRT: Offender Violence Risk Typology

PBPP: Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole

PCCD: Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency

PFA: Protection From Abuse

PREA: Prison Rape Elimination Act

PSI: Pre-Sentence Investigation

PSP: Pennsylvania State Police

PV: Parole Violator

PVC: Parole Violator Center

R through Z

RAP Sheet: Record of Arrest and Prosecutions

RHU: Restricted Housing Unit

RO: Regional Office (PBPP)

RRRI: Recidivism Risk Reduction Incentive

RSAT: Residential Substance Abuse Treatment

RST: Risk Screen Tool (DOC Instrument)

RTAC: Reentry and Transition Accountability Checklist

RTKL: Right to Know Law

SAVIN: Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification

SCI: State Correctional Institution

SID No: State Identification Number

SIP: State Intermediate Punishment

SO: Sexual Offender

SO: Sub Office (PBPP)

SOAB: Sexual Offenders Assessment Board

SORNA: Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act

SORT: Sex Offender Registry Tool

SSN: Social Security Number

SVP: Sexually Violent Predator

TABE: Test of Adult Basic Education

TCU: Texas Christian University Drug Screen

TC: Transitional Coordinator

THU: Transitional Housing Unit

TPV: Technical Parole Violator

VA: Veteran Administration

VC: Video Conference

VSG: Violation Sanction Grid